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Craniosacral Therapy

CranioSacral therapy is a very gentle, hands-on therapy that works with the body’s own craniosacral rhythm, assisting the body to rebalance itself in a subtle way. As the craniosacral system affects the function of the entire body, working with and rebalancing the craniosacral system can have a profound effect on problems anywhere in the body, leading to significant improvements in both health and behaviour. When combined with Caroline’s ability as an Animal Communicator, the effects of a CranioSacral therapy session can be even more pronounced as she is able to tune in to your animal at a very deep level and to know exactly how and where to work with your animal for the best results.

CST takes approximately an hour for a dog or a horse, less for cats. $90 per animal  plus travel charges. Contact Caroline for an exact quote.

Please note: if you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment please inform us at least 24 hours prior or a cancellation fee will be charged.

Caroline also sees clients at Dr Crystal's Healing Vet. You can call 03 9997 1210 or book online

In August last year  my 13 year old dog Fonzie (Dobermann X Rottweiler) hurt his back jumping into the car. By the time I got him home he could barely walk and within an hour he was dragging himself around on his front legs-his back legs were completely paralyzed.  I took him to the vet and they prescribed anti- inflammatories  for him. By morning he was worse and had to be helped to toilet himself-he hated it. His hind legs and in particular his feet were ice cold to touch. Another call to the vet and they suggested I should consider having him put down if there was no improvement. After lots of phone calls and internet searching, a friend suggested Caroline Pope. She has been his guardian angel-we changed his diet and put him on natural supplements-combined with Craniosacral Therapy he has made all but a full recovery and is still improving. He is no longer on the anti-inflammatories and as a bonus his hearing and eyesight have also improved. He is now back walking every day and sleeping on the lounge-which he jumps onto, as well as occasionally jumping onto my bed at night.         Terri 

Gift Vouchers Available

If you're looking for a unique  present consider an Animal Communication, Craniosacral Therapy or NES Health session.

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©2018 by Caroline Pope, Animal Communicator, CST & NES Therapist. Proudly created with

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